Monday, December 22, 2008

MESSAGE MONDAYS: Grown Man Swag...

This transition from young man to grown man has been hard I of the things is enjoying things grown folks enjoy...for example, 21 & up clubs...Ive been to a few for the experience but I cant say I enjoyed the experience...the thing is, I drink but I dont enjoy it enough to pay 20+ dollars to stand around a bunch of ppl who wont dance with anyone but themselves and amongst friends..the club scene is dying to me but I still rather go to a party where its booty 18 and up party...but at the same time 18 years olds are looking younger and see my dilemna.....another thing grown folks love..bars...i rather stay at the house and drink then go to the bar around folks i dont know and drink...its almost like i cant embrace being grown...but I must say we must learn to transition or rather camouflage...I enjoy getting my 'grown man' dress on...and I enjoy comedy clubs, lounges, and museums and things of that nature...places where ppl dont tend to act maybe there is hope for me to get my grown man on...thats my message find a way to get your grown man on because you will have to learn...


Unknown said...

right on bruh. I couldn't agree more wit your words. i'm personally afraid to go to a lounge; give me NV over velvet anyday. it seems like folks just wanna feel grown, or look it ("camoflague). anyway, i forgot how interesting your posts were-are they still on fb? thanks

PhlyyGirl said...

I can dig it. I'm seeing that in lots of my friends these days and I experienced it myself. I guess in part because it seemed like things were more fun and carefree when I was younger and now that I have to get on my "grown and sexy" I just feel so...constricted. I don't know if it's simply because it's not what I'm used to or if I simply just don't like these things.
I guess I just need to quit forcing it and let the transition happen naturally, but I feel that if I don't make an effort to do the grown things, I don't think I ever will.